Sunday, January 29, 2012

Good or Bad

It was just another day. It could be good or bad. I don't really need to understand why. But I need to live with it.

Insomnia has haunted me again. It was fairly new to my life and I have not taken any action to either fight against it or live with it. Being a night owl with daily shift was never a pleasant experience. Good thing was that I somehow sensed a strong correlation between its visits and the intensity level of my workouts. "It takes a long time to make friends with your body, doesn't it?" My physical therapist liked to use this to address all my questions.

Got message that my friend had a family emergency. I gathered myself up and gave accompany. Besides hot tea and quiet accompany, I didn't know what else I could offer. We all knew the day would come eventually. But we never lived the way to prepare for it.

At the same time, another friend was having his big wedding in his home country. It must be filled with fresh cut jasmine and rose flowers and gold decorations as he dreamed for many years. "He must be smiling showing off his shiny white teeth now, like many years ago, when we first met in the office." I thought.

I was tired and my face was quite grey. Nobody must come near me. I went to the restaurant I frequented and ordered an extravagant lunch for myself . "Miss, I wish all the customers could be like you." I was not really expecting a conversation at that moment nor in the mood for it. I looked up confused. "I noticed it only took 12 mins for you to order and finish the dish." The waiter explained with a smile. I was amused by his observation. I laughed as if an irrelevant person and his observation had reminded me of some happy hours before.

Anything could happen, good or bad.
Better by far you should forget and smile,
Than that you should remember and be sad.

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